Our Staff
The process of quality at Agate Lacquer
begins with determining our customer's requirements, needs and
- Agate's president and sales manager
combine 70 years of experience in the industry-meeting customer's
- Agate's current technical director has
22 years experience in the coating industry with an emphasis on
water-base polymer technology. This experience guarantees
customers that their needs will be understood and evaluated from
every aspect. Consideration is given to the method of production,
application and other factors. This ensures customers a product
tailored to their particular need, with consistent quality.
- Employees of Agate Lacquer at all
levels are committed to a high standard of service to the
customer. The office staff expedites orders accurately,
efficiently and follows up to ensure that the customer's
requirements are met. The production personnel, all employees
of long standing, contribute to product quality and product
consistency which customers have a right to expect. Despite his
or her different roles, every employee adopts the same
attitude: to work as a team and provide quality and total
customer satisfaction.
email - Sales Representative at contact@agatelacquer.com
Cindy Lenner - Customer Service at cindy.lenner@verizon.net
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